2024i1, Monday: Moving on.

By Leon Seibert on Unsplash

I’m stopping writing here. Future stuff will appear at https://www.jcsj.uk, my new home online.

Admittedly, it’s been far too long since I actually wrote anything here. There are all kinds of reasons, many of them personal (and I will get to explaining it on the new site when I feel up to it); but two subsidiary ones are the domain name of this site (which made sense in the Plague Years and their immediate aftermath, but hasn’t for a long time – working remotely as a barrister is no longer even slightly unusual) and the hassle of cross-posting between here and my Substack.

As for that Substack, I’m a tiny drop in the Substack bucket. And they won’t lose a penny by me moving. (Since I don’t, and in all probability never will, seek to monetise my scribbles here or elsewhere.) But the whole “Substackers against Nazis” thing is a problem, and since moving elsewhere to a single venue that can both host and send newsletters (with a new domain name as well) solves a bunch of problems at once, I might as well get on with it.

So, nothing new here from now on (or at the Substack). I’ll keep both locations live through 2024, but will probably dump them thereafter.

I’m transferring the newsletter recipients’ list to the new site – if you want me to stop sending stuff, let me know and I’ll remove you.

In the meantime, it’s been a privilege. Do come and see me at the new gaff. You’re all welcome.